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i gave some time a piece of my mind... only to wake up without it and find... that an hourglass standing in a pile of sand... can keep tracks of time in the palm of my hand!... (hehehe)...
so what goes through a writer’s mind to pen his current word?... does a fling of similar notions keep him clinging to one herd?... do inklings flow from a well of ‘telling’ over-drilled by others?... must comfy sleep insure itself under certain bedclothes covers?... will content fit all dog-eared pages turning mainstream’s handbook?... do featherly trends in his thinking cap show status quo’s fad look?... shall readers find his news account views groundwork quite objectively?... or will his next report be more to bury himself in selectively?... ~~~ |
(leading happenstance around on a leash of prevailing illusion... already questions reality thanks to distorted modes of obtrusion)... ~~~ |
allowing human logic to compensate for life via death... requires a state of mind too biased for sound judgment... whether it be an original crime or a subsequent punishment... both relinquish reasoning’s guide to ill-founded entrustment... ~~~ |
a classic case on the amount of inflated self-interest it takes... for presidential ambition to barely care for the common good... with feigned input and output throughout unsound contention... looking at current hypocrisy’s deeds we see how much it took!... ~~~ |
eyewitness accounts of the plane going down... poured from shanksville’s local people... some saw military aircraft overhead too... before 93's crash in that field... in fairness to flight 93's innocent victims... should investigators shun certain details known?... even keen observations from neighbors close by... revealed missile-like noises and combat jets flown... why did federal officials ditch notable witnesses?... when do firsthand views turn worthless for government?... how can findings be thorough if reports lack that evidence?... and why were several discouraged from recounting events?... ~~~ |
(truth won’t do disservice to one man by speaking it about others... but it only takes using illusion to make it appear like it does)... ~~~ |
can’t be so engrossed in one’s own opinion... that there’s no room for wisdom to do anything!... even a dummy like me can see through superficiality... where too many thoughts get stuck in topside mentality!... so go against democrat and republican corporate infiltration!... starting with your voter’s registration change to no party affiliation!... (imagine a nation where corporate-fed political parties lose powerhouse holds... thanks to we-the-people refusing to dwell in and build and support their abodes!)... ~~~ |
should it seem like something’s missing as if no one is around... or the counter’s unattended at a nearby lost and found... don’t fret about time hiding souls or silencing their sound... you’ll find them still within you on that common-bonded ground!... ~~~ |
"let facts be submitted to a candid world"... (from "the u.s. declaration of independence")... in support of wikileaks!... bradley manning!... courage to resist!... iraq veterans against war!... and everyone working to share the truth!... for a better future of fair and square ways and honest dealings for all human beings!... occupywallst.org!... ~~~ |
perhaps the best opinions... aren’t those directed solely at others... as if viewpoints are mainly reserved for spectators... filling the stands and telling protestors how to go about things... but rather the determinations steered head-on at our own selves instead... showing each of us the hypocrisy of what we’re doing... when we’re not really doing anything!... ~~~ |
in a land where a country's high leaders lay claim... united states people stand feeling close pain... their ears hear those big shots come up with excuses... but a quick look around soon reveals where the truth is!... from vacant lot store fronts to more soldiers' graves... home planted sale signs hide mailbox names!... college loan paybacks tack federal debt... while industrial workers learn of layoffs they'll get!... from stress-filled environments to lone chilly rooms... paycheck to paycheck can't face future doom!... already our seniors and jobless and ill... view less options left with so few dollar bills!... this is our country folks!... see for yourselves!... the majority are us and most everyone else!... struggling with hardships under all those in charge!... as governmental misbehavior runs rampant at large!... why is it our leaders dislike these truths shown?... is it not we the people who deserve rights to know?!... when did government's first duty become serving the government?!... and not justly the people for whom they were sent!... how can leaders say 'patriot' means being patriotic to them?... when they won't play by the rules a constitution defends!... instead it is them who lack the patriotism... to stop their own underhand tactics which bring further bad things!... and how can leaders use terrorism as an overall reason?... to keep their own bully methods hidden somewhere in secret?!... they intimidate unfairly to sway public opinion... and steer clear of truth needed to fix dilemmas we're in!... this is our country folks!... see for yourselves!... the majority are us and most everyone else!... struggling with hardships under all those in charge!... as governmental misbehavior runs rampant at large!... how can government's deception be the best way to rule?... when that curve of its wrist bends most fair and square tools!... hence without accountability it'll feed a free-for-all!... as our country's representatives wheel and deal above the law!... it's no surprise that the government abhors wikileaks!... truth might hinder officials from doing as they please!... and make it more difficult to reassure u.s. citizens... not to fret government's business and leave it all up to them!... but we must tend to our nation and future well-being!... to end unjust procedures and the policies we're seeing!... they insist we believe in things proven untrue!... now we need these disclosures to help build anew!... this is our country folks!... see for yourselves!... the majority are us and most everyone else!... struggling with hardships under all those in charge!... as governmental misbehavior runs rampant at large!... the best of wishes'n'ways'n'todays for fair'n'square and caring!... in full support of wikileaks!... in full support of bradley manning!...
in full support of pfc bradley manning!... in full support of wikileaks!... each time news brings things of unfairness from big shots... and more lives and resources lay wasting away somewhere... may your conscience be the wikileaks inside your own mind... to either expose to you a hypocrite or show a human who cares!... ~~~ |
for corporate greed to be so brutal... it keeps its human eyes closed... so they can’t see most people!... using paper note blindfolds... with holes to view profits... when common good doesn’t exist... it’s the common good who must stop this!... ~~~ |
it’s corporate greed that we need to stop!... to keep it from killing more millions of people!... whether profit through war or hurting earth’s resources!... or the jobless or sick or poor left from its deals!... ~~~ (and if it’s illegal to place encumbrances on the public’s right of way... then the obstructions that block representativeness and rights of the 99%... which corporate greed unfairly bought up and erected for its own sake... must first be removed now to allow for common good’s re-entrance!)... ~~~ |
corporate greed banks on investment’s unconcern for false gain... sidetracking the status quo with shareholder ideas of compliance... while buying up unjustness to try taking rebellion off the exchange... unaware that its acts of unfairness solidify its inequity’s own defiance!... ~~~ (for those that speak against this movement... whose bottom line strives to help 99%!... your excuses become superficial exclusions... whether wealthy yourself or nursing greed’s discontent!)... ~~~ |
there’s too many wall street ties now in the big apple’s town hall... look at the mayor’s conflict-of-interest-board picks for example... hence why he isn’t under scrutiny for some questionable pals?... why do high ethical standards defend backdate dismissals?... or testify at hearings to support work furthering one’s group?... or be a noted ex-lobbyist who’d put forbidden influence in use?... or a non-profit’s board member when contracts and charity help too?... and this from just one area of mayoral administration with who knows who?... ~~~ |
a few audio-echoes... tucked in here'n'there... see site map... ...audio section... |
~~~ auto-linkage above'n'below click'n'go... ~~~ |