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"let facts be submitted
to a candid world"...

(from "the u.s. declaration
of independence")...

in support of

bradley manning!...

courage to resist!...

iraq veterans against war!...

and everyone working to
share the truth!...  

for a better future of
fair and square ways
and honest dealings
for all human beings!...


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     good morning to the dawn!...

    somewhere folks grow happy... somewhere folks run sad...
    somewhere lives a fine line... dividing traits they have...
    sometimes something's taken... making room enough to add...
    another blessing springing... to change the loss they had...
    a man stands in the doorway... a light hangs in that hall...
    shades upon a window... raise from halfway drawn...
    time relays a message... life has come to call...
    good night to fading darkness... good morning to the dawn!...

    somewhere hearts pour open... somewhere hearts stay closed...
    somewhere lives a fine line... declaring traits they hold...
    sometimes something's taken... leading up to heavy woes...     
    the nature of most kinfolk... forget those words they're told...
    a man stands in the doorway... a light hangs in that hall...
    shades upon a window... raise from halfway drawn...
    time relays a message... life has come to call...
    good night to fading darkness... good morning to the dawn!...

    somewhere love’s root touches... somewhere truth tunes in...
    somewhere moves a fine line... to how it all begins...
    sometimes something's taken... as god almighty gives...
    his son’s renewed creation... and path for souls to live...
    a man stands in the doorway... a light hangs in that hall...
    shades upon a window... raise from halfway drawn...
    time relays a message... life has come to call...
    good night to fading darkness... good morning to the dawn!...

    the best of wishes’n’ways’n’todays!...

    and the neatest of love’n’truth’n’stuff to each'n'everyone!...


    (and a needed lesson to help...
    reduce all future unfair prejudice...
    for the sake of our children’n’others)...

    basic schooling will keep fooling itself...
    until it teaches our kids about illusion...
    for in this world of manmade modes...
    so much is now based on delusion!...

    choosy knowledge and picky facts...
    get crammed into brains unwittingly...
    ofttimes too late insight radiates to say...
    “that conditioning reacted unthinkingly!”...

    illusion resides within all human minds...
    joining onto raw thoughtholds of man...
    it turns actuality’s truer perceptions...
    into substitutions already on hand!...

    to view things through blurry lenses...
    smeared with bias contrived long ago...
    spurs a lesson for clearer consideration...
    and awareness that children should know!...


    a sincere thank you from america to mr. julian assange!...

    we grew up well told how propaganda thrives elsewhere...
    that our leaders always tell the truth no matter what they do...
    only to find in the long run that our system lied and misled us...
    delivering heartbreaking eye-openers of past brainwashing too!...

    they taught us quite young to believe outlines we memorized...
    still our history books missed important facts we discovered...
    nowadays sly influencing drills in more means and reasons...
    burying truth even deeper to keep from being uncovered!...

    we live under a setup that counts on fibbing not honesty...
    from big shots on down saving their own face comes first...
    through slick-selling sales pitches that propel manipulation...
    a false sense permeates people while real lifetime turns worse!...

    we need truth in spite of our officials conditioned to ignore it...
    or folks convinced to forget or bogus notions say it’s wrong...
    we’ve been distracted enough with their misleading ideas...
    a sincere thank you from america to mr. julian assange!...


    to chiefs and congresses and courts... your poor job report...

    you form a mockery of your duties as our leaders to serve us...
    forgetting it’s our country and people you’re to care for first off!...
    you’ve let direct representation turn into a shrewd scheme of cheat...
    and treat one’s constitution indifferently as though it’s grown obsolete!...

    you put on airs like false leaders unaware of what your deeds lack...
    you’ve lost your sight for democracy and how its caretakers act...
    you ignore seeking truth and let checks and balances waiver...
    how dare you deceive us and arouse more misbehavior!...

    you allow ulterior motives to be your coach and advisors...
    leaving the wellbeing of our nation fall to selfish enterprisers...
    then when confronted with the ruining that such deviation brings...
    instead of rectifying wrongdoings you still hasten broader suffering!...

    you give our country a bad name through your own gross mishandling...
    it stands for your leadership overall now in realtime understanding...
    you can’t repair unfair operations by applying more of the same...
    from your feigned words and work to therein lies the blame!...

    backed with facts... sincerely... we-the-people tearfully’...  


    our only solution is revolution...

    we live in a time and age these days...
    so brutal to mankind’s common bonds...
    for many our human-self-binding identity...
    lays lost by a call of false views coming on!...

    “divide and conquer!” vows greedy control...
    funding distraction that grabs one another...
    using think-tank ideas to hasten means...
    ill-gotten power mounts undercover!...

    whether from inner or outer efforts...
    whatever creeds or people or parties...
    with regard to many different dilemmas...
    takeover strengthens agendas it started!...

    human life captured by erroneous motives...
    that lack actually caring about our well-being...
    it’s now up to us since there’s no one else left...
    renewed revolution must begin for good keeping!...


    thank you bradley manning and julian assange!...

    how could anybody enlisting in the armed services...
    join up fully aware that this military commits war crimes...
    otherwise such knowledge would stop conscionable recruits...
    reducing most defense troops to street gang thugs out of line!...

    so while atrocities violating constitutional or international law...
    presently occur far too often though hidden from plain view...
    one mission continues to keep these horrors out of sight...
    using taxes and mainstream to hide facts and news!...

    civilians and soldiers lay dead under lies leaders started...
    stacks of incorrect data on file helping to stash it in secrecy...
    folks kept in the dark over this current system’s wrongdoings...
    hence direct representation can’t work without its ability to see!...

    people want and deserve decent fair and square management...
    but present day operations rely on false elements and deceit...
    real betterment requires the truth in order to fix faulty areas...
    thank you manning and assange for true input we need!...


    the slow death of improvement...

    i saw death again a short time ago...
    still looking like a morbid freak show...
    all bent up and huddled in its single cell...
    i started to listen where life stopped to tell...
    how its keeper’s key locks out more decency...
    turning mistreatment’s big tumblers repeatedly...
    in a cycle of doom with no room for humaneness...
    improvement dies slowly under ages-old staleness!...


    thank you so much for the truth edward snowden!...

    thank you edward snowden for showing us facts...
    that intelligence and terrorism work not as they say...
    that officials still lie trying to keep fabrications intact...
    even if faced with the truth they persist in duped ways!...

    they lodge unaccountable policies as a snag for bad guys...
    we must lose basic freedoms so terrorists can’t prevail...
    but the evidence actually indicates it to be otherwise...
    that draining our liberties won’t help see foes fail!...

    private firms track our own computers and phones...
    using surveillance that’s ready to maneuver our data...
    being innocent today could look suspicious tomorrow...
    or as unreliable as our rulers’ feigned words on a platter!...

    oaths of office break silently disregarding our constitution...
    to uphold and defend it succumbs to deceptive security...
    behind vacated laws hide lawless order distributions...
    as democracy’s deterioration welcomes obscurity!...

    thank you so much for the truth edward snowden!...


     a spirit present...

    there's a spirit present... beneath the tree...
    from centuries lost... in humanity...
    it’s endeared... with a humble quality...
    and reaches out... to accompany...

    there's a child’s gleam... beneath the tree...
    and a person’s glance... at eternity...
    there's a grown-up peek... on a sight to see...
    and an age-old wait... upon destiny...

    there's a kiss of tears... beneath the tree...
    and laughter that lifts up... most tenderly...
    there's a glow to deliver... so givingly...
    and treasures to keep... in the memory...

    there's life to feel... beneath the tree...
    and souls to share with... compassionately...
    there’s warmth to spread... quite readily...
    and hearts to hold... so lovingly...

    there's a spirit present... beneath the tree...
    it beckons... "come... and open me!"...


    (the neatest of love'n'truth'n'stuff!...
           to each'n'everyone!)... :)

     easter’s resurrection...

    as heaven itself surrounds and abounds...
    it sees man crawl on bended knee...
    its hands outstretched from hidden ground...
    bring gifts to lift souls to their feet...
    in shadows men find their faces behind...
    heaven's light casts over flickers of love...
    it lingers to shine in the recess of time...
    to guide men's sight to that glow above...
    ‘dwell not ye in the dark’ it cries...
    ‘though time may shade its window pane...
    the curtain drawn upon your eyes...
    will open up in life’s true name!’...
    still briefness of what seems so long...
    plays swift tricks with human hearts...
    to keep the mind of man fixed on...
    that finish line from where he starts...
    as thoughts may tread that trodden path...
    to follow where they've been before...
    footprints sunk in manmade wrath...
    soon lose their way to evermore...
    what abides in worldly sanity...
    is no more than a given ploy...
    to tie down tombs of gravity...
    and lower moments from rising joy...
    christ speaks out ‘it’s never too late...
    don't let what isn't deceive what is’...
    though some demand you're doomed to die...
    heaven’s sigh bears not this gloomy bliss!...
    so as the wraps of worldly fare...
    hide the truth ‘neath blinded lie...
    to misjudge love dead lying there...
    this trap by men shall be surprised...
    for every soul touched inside-out...
    who reaches heaven in its realm...
    christ defines without a doubt...
    the almighty's hands upon the helm!...

    (through love and truth eternal...
    to god’s universal word...
    where the human being in each of us...
    reaches all of us on earth!)...


    the best of wishes’n’ways’n’todays!...
    and the neatest of love’n’truth’n’stuff to each’n’all!... :)

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