
(wee ones’ christmas eve drops in)… :)

Posted in Uncategorized at 11:03 am by sallysense

(wee ones’ christmas eve drops in)…

there was no tree with presents…
nor candles burning bright…
in every single home on earth…
on that yuletide’s special night…

there were many different places…
where christmas never came…
and faces tucked among them…
who never heard its name…

a child asked his father…
to explain this festive season…
“why do some folks celebrate?…
while others have no reason?”…

well his father sent an angel…
to visit in his heart…
and tell him simple answers…
and show him where they start…

“love doesn’t wait for holidays…
to be within this world…
it doesn’t need a certain eve…
to give to boys and girls”…

“love shines inside the greatest gift…
god gives for everyone…
and anytime and anywhere…
is fine for love to come!”…


the best of wishes’n’ways’n’todays!…
and the neatest of love’n’truth’n’stuff to each’n’everyone!… 🙂

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